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January is the time to hang loose in Kalibo, the "Land of the Atis" and the gateway to Boracay. For all of three days, it celebrates the Ati-Atihan Festival - where frenzied streetdancing is performed by costumed and black-sooted "tribes" as they wend through the main streets from dawn until the witching hours. Ati-Atihan commemorates the 13th-century land deal between ten migrating Bornean chieftains and the aboriginal Ati King Marikudo. It also honors the town patron, the infant Santo Niño. To the accompaniment of hundreds of lyres and drums, merrymakers throw all inhibitions to the wind as they join the tribes in a mad jig punctuated by rhythmic shouts of: "Hala bira! Puera pasma! Hala bira! Viva Santo Niño!"